
Traveling as a family to enjoy RVing is a beautiful adventure. It creates lasting memories and a lifetime of close relationships. But it’s important to make sure that you keep everyone, especially children, safe and secure. Now go hook up that RV, strap in the kids, and hit the road! And be sure to share this article with anyone you know who may be considering RV camping with kids
Vacationing in an RV is one of the best ways to spend the holiday with the family, not to mention it is very cost-effective. You avoid the constant packing and unpacking, moving between hotels, you don’t have to cram everyone into a small space for long periods, and best of all, everyone feels like they’re at home!

Remain Seated

While traveling with kids in an RV, with all of its amenities, comforts, and room to spread out, it’s sometimes easy to forget that you are riding in a moving vehicle. Even though an RV is equipped with the comforts of home, you must remember that turns, bumps, braking, and unexpected movements can cause things in your RV to fall, or cause cabinets to open. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that your kids stay seated while the RV is in motion. It might be tempting for the
kids to jump up and run across the living room when they’re sitting on the couch
playing games on an iPad, but it’s just not safe when the living room is going down
the highway at 60 miles an hour.
Make sure your kids stay in their seats.

Buckle Up

Most RVs are equipped with seat belts within the living area of the coach, and they typically indicate the best seats to ride in while the RV is in motion. These seatbelts can typically be found either in the dinette area, in the cushions of a couch, or perhaps in an RV chair or recliner that is secured to the floor. Kids riding in the living area of the RV, in addition to being seated at all times when the RV is moving, should also be buckled up at all times while seated.
It’s also important to note that, although your RV comes with seat belts installed, these seat belts are NOT required to comply with federal standards for seat belts in the same way as cars. While vehicle seat belts are required to be fastened to the frame of the vehicle, RVs do not fall under the same requirement. Seat belts in an RV may only be secured to the floor or wall, so be sure to understand where your seat belts are fastened.

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